E-services and forms

If you are going to make a registration or apply for a permit, you do so via an e-service or form.

Abstain from using old forms

It is important that you always download and fill in new forms, do not reuse old forms that you might have already saved. In this way, you will always have the latest version available. This minimises the risk of submitting incorrect data.

E-services and forms in alphabetical order

You must apply for authorisation if you wish to employ a minor under the age of 13. For example, you need authorisation for a child to rehearse or work in cultural or artistic events, as extras or artistes, or at sporting or advertising events. 

Application for authorisation for a child to work

Permission is required before using rat poison (rodenticides) because it is categorised as a biocide in authorisation class 1 So.

Application for permission to use biocides

If you work in certain professions you need to have proof that your qualifications meet Swedish requirements. 

For the Swedish Work Environment Authority, this applies

  • to doctors who are to perform medical checks
  • to divers
  • to blasting technicians
  • if you are to use class 1 biocidal products.

Apply for recognition of professional qualifications

Chemical substances group A

Substances included in group A cannot normally be handled at all. There are certain exceptions, but you must then have a permit from the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Apply for a permit for chemical substances, group A

Chemical substances group B

You must have a permit to handle certain carcinogenic, sensitising, allergenic or reprotoxic substances, group B substances.

Apply for a permit for chemical substances, group B

Doctors are required to report diseases, symptoms and problems that may be connected to a patient's work or working environment.

Doctor’s notification

Occupational exposure measurements are mandatory for certain chemical substances and the measurement results must be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

It is obligatory to measure certain substances

All employers must report to us:

  • serious personal injuries
  • deaths
  • injuries in connection with work which affect several employees at the same time
  • incidents which resulted in serious danger to life or health.

Reporting serious accidents or incidents

If you use genetically modified micro-organisms, GMMs, in your activities, you must notify the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Notification and permission for GMMs

Notify the Swedish Work Environment Authority if you are to begin using a mobile plant for handling material containing quartz, such as a mobile crushing plant, a coating plant or a concrete plant.

Notification of a mobile plant for handling material containing quartz

If you intend to start working with or storing a concentrated infectious agent in risk classes 2, 3 or 4, you must notify the Swedish Work Environment Authority of the activity. Give notification no less than 30 days before you intend to start. If you then move your activity, you must notify of the new address.

Risk class 2

Work with or the storage of concentrated infectious agents - Risk class 2 (Swedish), pdf, opens in a new window

Risk class 3

Work with or the storage of concentrated infectious agents - Risk class 3  (Swedish), pdf, opens in a new window

Riskklass 4

Work with or the storage of concentrated infectious agents - Risk class 4 (Swedish), pdf, opens in a new window

Notify if you work with or store concentrated infectious agents

Foreign employers must report postings and contact persons to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Report a posting

You can search amongst the information that companies with posted workers have reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Search posting

As a contracting authority you must notify a construction site to the Swedish Work Environment Agency if any of the following apply:

  • The construction or civil engineering works will last for more than 30 working days on the construction site and more than 20 people will be working simultaneously on the site at any one point.
  • The workers on the construction site will work more than 500 person-days, that is to say everyone working will together work more than 500 days in total.

Prior notification of works on construction site

You can make a report to us if you discover products which are dangerous or if you suspect that a product does not meet legal requirements. 

Report dangerous products

The safety representative has, in the Work Environment Act, been guaranteed a number of powers. The safety representative has, among other things, the authorisation to:

  • receive training
  • be a part of actions which concern the relationships in the work environment
  • participate during the planning of new premises as well as changes in the premises.

Safety representatives

Request for action on working conditions and working hours

You can tip us off about poor working conditions at your place of work or any other place of work.

Report health and safety risks

Last updated 2024-07-02