Here you can report health and safety risks at your workplace or at another workplace.

If there are health and safety issues at your workplace, you should first contact your supervisor, safety officer, or a regional safety officer. They can ask the employer to remedy the problem.

If you want to report health and safety issues in your workplace or some other workplace, you can do so here.

Information for whistleblowers

The report must contain information about:

What you want to report

  • Start by selecting one or more areas for which you want to report risks
  • Briefly describe the nature of what you are reporting and what happened
  • Do not provide any personal data or contact details
  • Tick to indicate whether or not you work at the workplace in question

Where it happened and when

  • Enter the name of the workplace
  • Enter the address of the workplace
  • If necessary, describe the site where the incident occurred
  • Indicate at what time the incident occurred

Submit your report

  • In the last step of the service, you will be given confirmation that your report has been submitted.
  • We will not send you a confirmation email after you have submitted your report.
  1. We will not send you a confirmation email after you have submitted your report. In the last step of the service, you will be given confirmation that your report has been submitted.
  2. We read all of the reports we receive. We then assess whether we can and should take action on the reported matter.
  3. Some of the reports we receive result in us contacting or inspecting the workplace, but not all do. For example, neither the Work Environment Act nor our regulations relate to issues regarding redress for an individual who has been subjected to abusive treatment or discrimination.
  4. You do not need to report the same incident several times. Multiple reports of the same incident will not result in us giving a specific matter higher priority.
  5. We are not able to provide you updates regarding the measures we have taken as a result of your report.

Your whistleblowing report may be disclosed

If the whistleblowing report relates to your own workplace, it is subject to confidentiality and we will not disclose information about the report*. When asked, we always state that we can neither confirm nor deny that a report has been made. Confidentiality also applies if you are reporting in your capacity as the guardian of a minor child.

If your whistleblowing report does not relate to your own workplace, the report is only subject to confidentiality in exceptional cases. This means that the report and related information may be disclosed if someone asks for access to it.

Remember not to provide us with information that could be harmful to Swedish security pursuant to the Protective Security Act (2018:585).

For more information on the Swedish Work Environment Authority's processing of personal data:

Processing of personal data at the Swedish Work Environment Authority

* Chapter 28, Section 14 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.


How to report an employer's violations using internal whistleblowing channels

Reporting employer violations using internal whistleblowing channels

For employers

Employers must notify the Swedish Work Environment Authority without delay of deaths, serious injuries and injuries that affect multiple workers at the same time, as well as incidents involving serious danger to life and health. Use our Anmäl arbetsskada (Report an occupational injury) service.

Report occupational injury, external website, will open a new window

Do you have any questions?

Contact our information service by telephone:


We cannot provide information on any specific case.