Noise from machines
The manufacturer and the user are responsible for preventing noise and other risks with machines.

Many work injuries, including hearing impairments, are directly related to the use of machines. Work injuries can often be prevented already at the design and manufacturing stage and through proper installation. Safety when using machines is also about using the machines correctly.
The Swedish Work Environment Authority has participated in a European working group under the Machinery Directive, NOMAD TF (Noise And Machinery Task Force) which, among other things, has produced a guide for manufacturers and a short guide for those who are going to buy machines. NOMAD TF was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (MD) Administrative Cooperation group in market surveillance (Machinery ADCO).
Guidance for manufacturers
The guidelines for machine manufacturers describe how the noise from the machines (emissions) is to be declared in accordance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC). Noise created by the machine must be declared both in the operating instructions and in the technical sales support material. The guidance also applies when both the Machinery Directive and the Directive on Noise from Work Machinery (2000/14 / EC) are applicable. The guide is available in Swedish and in a multilingual version.
Guide to manufacturers, pdf, multilingual, opens in a new window
Guide for manufacturers, pdf, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Guidance for buyers
The guide is intended as a guidance and help for you who are going to buy or rent machines. Always think about the risks of noise. You can often choose between more or less noisy machines. The guide gives examples of what to think about to ensure that the machine has a noise level that is as low as possible. The more people who demand quieter machines, the better.
Guide for buyers of machinery, pdf, opens in a new window
Report from phase 2 of NOMAD TF
The NOMAD TF was asked to address 8 Actions, with the objectives of:
- Helping duty holders (manufacturers, suppliers, etc) and other stakeholders improve compliance with the noise requirements of the Machinery Directive.
- Helping recipients of machinery noise information (buyers, labour inspectorates, market surveillance authorities, etc) make good use of it.
- Facilitating market surveillance within the European Union.
- Providing and improving tools and resources to help machinery manufacturers, buyers and market surveillance authorities address noise.
This report describes the work carried out by the NOMAD TF. The work has raised the awareness of many stakeholders of the need for manufacturers and others to improve the reliability of noise information and for this to be used correctly by employers.
Last updated 2024-11-07