Young in work life
New tasks, new people, new rules. When you start a new job there is a lot to learn. If you are under 18 there are special regulations.

When you are young and start to work or practise, it is extra important to know your rights in the workplace. Everyone has the right, for example, to reasonable working hours, a thorough introduction and training in how all machines work at the workplace.
Every year, 3000 young people have accidents while doing their job. Young people are also extra sensitive to, for example, heavy lifting or dangerous substances. It is therefore very important that you are aware about what applies at your particular place of work.
If you are a minor, that is, under the age of 18, there are special regulations in the Work Environment Authority’s provisions about minors. Some regulations apply differently depending on how old you are. It can be, for example, how long you are allowed work in the evenings or which working tasks you are allowed to have.
From your supervisor you should find out your working tasks and which risks can exist at the workplace. It is very important that you feel you understand and that you can always ask your supervisor if you are unsure. Your supervisor must always be available for questions and support when you work.
Approval of legal guardian
Until the year you turn 16, you are considered a younger and older child. In this case the employer must contact your legal guardian and receive their approval for you to work.
Inform the safety representative
The safety representative is the employees’ representative in work environment management. Ask a colleague or manager who the safety representative at your job is. If there is a safety representative the employer should let them know that you as a young person are starting to work at the workplace. All workplaces with more than five employees should have a safety representative.
Last updated 2020-09-06