Many who work in agriculture are satisfied with their job and their work, but the work involves a great number of risks.

Work safely within agriculture
In agriculture, hunting, and forestry, the number of fatal accidents is higher than in any other industry. Only the construction sector has a comparatively equal number of fatal accidents in the workplace.
Areas that are particularly risky in agriculture are jobs involving
- animals
- manure pits
- machinery.
There is also a high risk of falling from height. To reduce the number of accidents and incidents (situations that could lead to accidents), the Swedish Work Environment Authority has decided on regulations that will make your work safer. Here we have gathered basic information about what the regulations mean, and how you can work to achieve a better and safer work environment. Every accident is one accident too many!
These pages are intended for those who are
- self-employed farmers
- employees
- safety representatives.
Last updated 2017-04-26